Wednesday, March 2, 2011

So Much Done On Wednesday!!

woke up, got outta bed, dragged a comb across my head.
hahaha, kiddingggg! i'm sorry i can get really carried away with this. i did take a shower everyday though. i sort of alternated between morning and night showers depending on how dirty i got from working. and Marcela (she's one of my really great friends here at school, we're both in Physical Therapy together and we just happened to be placed on the same trip!), would just braid my hair. whatta great girl :)

today weeeeee, got a lot of work done outside! we made paper bag puppets with the kids, and made rice crispies (Sharon told us before we came that they love rice crispy treats, so we bought the ingredients and packed them up with all the rest of our supplies--which consisted of a ton of stuff for the kids!). we also did tie-dye with the kids! we bought a tie-dye kit and little Hanes tshirts before we left the states. they were so cute, we just asked them what colors they wanted and we had them hold the rubber-banded tshirt while we colored them (didn't want to take any chances!). they mostly just stared in confusement, so adorable.

oh! and we also visited the Kindergarten today! they are so so so soooo cute in their little uniforms at "Kinder" (what they call kindergarten). they have a building with one big room and a small back room with a sink to wash your hands...didn't see much else back there. they all have to wear uniforms in order to go to school, which is why some kids can't go to school since the uniforms cost money and some families couldn't afford it. they have one teacher and a teacher's aide (i think thats what her job would be equal to here). when we were there, they were having them work on a fine motor art project with ripping magazine paper & gluing it to notebook paper. and they also had a little dance/run around the room activity to show us :)

this is also the day when we went to Santa Barbara in the afternoon, its the closest sort of "city"...about 45 minutes to an hour. A lot different than San Pedro Sula but really awesome. went to Kob's ice cream again and i had a chocolate covered banana....ohmyGod, probably one of the best things i ate there. brought me true happiness :) we also got to buy some trinkets there and oh! i almost forgot! on our way there we pass a strip of huts that are all along both sides of the road going to Santa Barbara. the vendors in these huts sell homemade baskets, hats, and HAMMOCKS! i bought a hammock! my father is now the proud owner of a Honduran hammock hahahaha. i love it, its awesome. he better use it or else i'm taking it back.

so today was another great day! :D

totally not eating the marshmallows...
helping davide tie-dye :)
at Kinder!
outside a store in Santa Barbara!

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