Monday, August 4, 2014


I hope everyone at some point in their life is fortunate to find friends are as amazing as my group of girlfriends. No matter where I am, what type of mood I'm in, what's going on in my life, I know I can count on the incredible group of women I am blessed to call my girlfriends.

I used to laugh at my grandmother (Ba) when she would refer to my high school friends as my girlfriends. I think its a term you grow into with age. Or a term you don't understand until you have a legitimate girlfriend experience. Okay, that sounds kind of raunchy and lesbo-esque but I think I'm truly onto something here! The girls you find to be completely, 100% honest with and are there to make you laugh, hold you when you cry, and talk to you when you just need to get it all out--those are your girlfriends. And I am so unbelievably lucky to have a large group of women that I get to call my girlfriends. Hold on, let me say it one more time...girlfriends. lol

Anywho, went camping in NH this weekend with my WAYWYG ladies and we had so much fun! A seriously awesome weekend. Water activities and laughing and boozing and just relaxing. Also some great girl talk, the serious heart to heart kind of talk (or what we call H2HG). Really eases my mind on what I've been mulling over in my mind all summer. Still thinking about the subject a lot but probably with more confidence in myself. Had some great zen moments while lounging by the fire, while exploring Ossipee Lake on a stand up paddleboard, and then after climbing to the top of a 1,000 foot mountain (pictured above in my WAYWYG tshirt!). Sometimes you just gotta change your environment to gain some perspective. And sometimes you gotta have some serious H2HG with your girls to gain even more perspective.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

thoughts on life in general

i posted this on my livejournal a week ago.

and since then i've been thinking about blogging more. also because i'm reading a book about a mother who is a blogger but whatever, inspiration comes in all sort of shapes and sizes.

i was going to use my livejournal but 1) that felt very high school/emo of me and 2) i remembered i made this blog for my travels! while i will not be traveling abroad anytime soon, life is just one big adventure. or at least i hope for it to be!

the next year should be an adventure for sure: 2 more clinicals...moving back home...moving back to Boston (/Brighton) again...graduation #2...THE BOARDS...FINDING A JOB(?!?) what is life. this is craziness.

so you know what? i'm gonna go for it. i'm gonna GO places. might as well share.
and if no one reads this then whatever, no harm no foul.

It's incredibly disappointing when our reality contradicts our ideals, but the challenge and beauty of growing older is realizing that when our ideals embrace what's really important in life, our ideals and reality can dwell harmoniously more often than not. Because ideally, I simply want to see good and do good and find good and, in doing so, I want to be happy and I want my family to be happy. And reality? Well, when adversity strikes in whatever mask it's wearing, it brings with it a greater passion and greater tools to do just find good. To see good. To do good.
Quote from Bloom by Kelle Hampton. Not totally related to what I wrote above but...sorta. I just really liked it.

I've procrastinated too much. Time to pretend I can focus on a homework assignment.

Till next time :)